St. Tammany Parish Tax Roll Open For Public Inspection

The St. Tammany Parish tax roll is officially open for public inspection beginning Monday, Aug. 31, 2020, and ending
Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2020. State law dictates that 2020 is a reassessment year. Assessed values have generally
increased an average of 8%, reflecting a market rise of approximately 2% a year since the last reassessment in 2016.
Assessor Louis Fitzmorris is urging all property owners to check the assessed values of homes and properties now.
Due to COVID-19, both Assessor’s Office locations are open by appointment only. Citizens are asked to please utilize
the St. Tammany Parish Assessor’s Office website,, to check assessments, verify their mailing
address and any exemptions.

The public inspection period provides an important opportunity to the taxpayer by allowing time to assure all
assessment information is accurate before the tax roll is certified and tax bills mailed out. Once the tax roll is certified
in October, the Assessor’s Office is unable to make any changes in-office. Change requests must be submitted to the
Louisiana Tax Commission for approval. Therefore, property owners are strongly encouraged to check their
assessments now.

If a citizen is in disagreement with their assessment, an Application for Assessment Review may be filed with the St.
Tammany Parish Assessor’s Office during this designated public inspection period. Application for Assessment
Review forms may be submitted online on the STPAO website. Applications may also be downloaded, printed and
emailed to, submitted via fax to (985) 809-8190 or mailed to the St. Tammany Parish
Assessor’s Office at: 701 N. Columbia St., Covington LA, 70433. The deadline to file an Application for Assessment
Review is the last day of the public inspection period, Sept. 15, 2020. Although the official public inspection period
begins this year on Aug. 31, 2020, Assessor Fitzmorris made the information available online early on Aug. 1 to allow
citizens more time to check in. Due to the high volume of applications typically submitted near the end of the public
inspection period, taxpayers who wait to file at this time may experience a delay in their review determination. To avoid
delay, please file any reviews as soon as possible.

If a taxpayer is still in disagreement with their assessed value after their Assessment Review determination, an Appeal
to Board of Review application may be filed with the St. Tammany Parish Council, which serves as the Board of
Review. Applications are on the parish website: The deadline to file an appeal with the Board of
Review is Sept. 28, 2020, at 4:30 p.m. Board of Review applications are also available on the STPAO website. An
Application for Assessment Review must be filed timely with the St. Tammany Parish Assessor’s Office first before any
Appeal to the Board of Review may be filed with the parish.

The Assessor’s Office is currently open by appointment only. Property owners are strongly encouraged to utilize If a citizen is unable to go online and check their assessment or requires assistance, they may email the
Assessor’s Office at: for the most efficient response or call (985) 809-8180 or (985)
646-1990. Assessor Fitzmorris thanks citizens for their patience and understanding as STPAO is doing everything
possible to serve everyone safely during these challenging times.

For questions contact Sheri Sable-Campbell, director of public and intergovernmental relations at